The deeper I go on my own journey the more I am learning about myself. I am very grateful to all
my teachers (both those who show me what I do need and those who show me what I definitely
don’t need) friends (especially that one in particular, you know who you are) and clients who are
supporting me on this journey.

I am becoming more and more sensitive to everything, which I see as a good thing as we have
become very desensitised. I take slow and gentle to a level that most people find really hard to
understand but I just can’t do fast and furious any more, it doesn’t resonate with my body.
When it comes to sexuality it seems that everyone is looking for pleasure and orgasm. Where can
we find the next fix to make us feel good. As women we have been deprived of that for many
years and it seems that we are trying to catch up on all the orgasms we have missed out on.
There are coaches and courses offering to teach you how to become multi orgasmic. And yes we
are totally capable of all those different orgasms and I think it is great to explore this, but are they
actually doing us more harm than good? And are they disconnecting us to our loved ones?
It seems that any form of peak orgasm is stopping the act and therefore not letting us go deeper
into ourselves and each other. Let’s be honest, most often once orgasm has happened it’s game
over (even though some of us can go again and again). What if we could continue for much longer
and go much deeper? Where could we go? What could we experience?

A peak orgasm takes place in the brain, in the reward centre. And there are some amazing
chemical reactions going on there that make us feel pretty good. However the bad news it that
there’s a hangover that lasts 14-21 days. During this time we can feel tired, emotional, angry,
anything really, but one important reaction is that we feel disconnected to our loved one and want
another orgasm to release the pressure, it can be addictive. It is thought that we start looking
outside our relationship to connect with someone else. There is a theory that peak orgasms are
for procreation and therefore we want to spread ourselves as much as possible.

Could this be why so many relationships are failing and we don’t feel nurtured, rejuvenated and
energised? Possibly I definitely think it is worth exploring.

And is there another way? Yes there is. Our sexuality gives us the opportunity to go deeper into
ourselves, it’s a spiritual path. Slowing down, being present, being still with no goal can help us
become more sensitive and actually notice what is happening inside ourselves where we have all
the answers we need. It gives us the opportunity to be vulnerable with and connected to our lover.